Final Evaluation of the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme

 | Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) | Jul 2015

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This research report contains IES research evaluating the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme. The programme gives young people the opportunity to spend a year in College doing preliminary study and to undertake a work placement preparing them for the Welsh Government-supported Apprenticeship scheme. 

The report's findings focus on four main areas:

  • The enhanceed career prospects and lifetime earnings that the Pathways to Apprenticeship (PtA) programme provided.
  • The key areas of success for the programme, including the high levels of completion, attainment and satisfaction amongst learners.
  • A consideration of the Welsh Government targets for numbers progressing into Apprenticeship.
  • The high rate of administrative and organisational input required in relation to the programme's scale of delivery.