
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Slides: Building the agile organisation

    Holbeche L | Oct 2018 | Imperial College London

    Linda Holbeche's slides from IES Annual Conference 2018: HR's role in creating organisation agility: becoming change-smart in a fast-moving world, 11 October, 2018.

  • Slides: Leading for agility

    Pendleton D | Oct 2018 | Henley Business School

    David Pendleton's slides from IES Annual Conference 2018: HR's role in creating organisation agility: becoming change-smart in a fast-moving world, 11 October, 2018.

  • Change capability in the agile organisation

    Change capability in the agile organisation

    IES Perspectives on HR 2018

    Carter A, Varney S | Jul 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    With organisations being encouraged to embrace 'agile', this IES paper considers the challenges of large-scale change, and how organisations can become both change-ready and change-capable, in order to thrive in today's fast-paced environment.

  • Facing into Change: Culture Call at Immigration Enforcement

    Garrow V | Sep 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This is the third report in the series 'Facing into Change'. This report examines the success of Culture Call as a social movement at Immigration Enforcement.

  • Slides: HR's role in integrating mindfulness and compassion to improve our organisational systems and culture

    Carter A | Sep 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Alison Carter's slides from HR Network workshop 'Integrating mindfulness and compassion', 7 September 2017, London.

  • Slides: Models of Change: A Buyer's Guide

    Varney S | Jul 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Sharon Varney's presentation slides from IES HR Network workshop 'Change management: Elixir or snake oil', 13 July 2017.

  • Slides: Organisational Change: The Shifting Landscape

    Bevan S | Jul 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Stephen Bevan's presentation slides from IES HR Network workshop 'Change management: Elixir or snake oil', 13 July 2017.

  • Workforce planning in uncertain times

    Hirsh W, Reilly P, Robinson D, Martin A | May 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This guide is a practical introduction to workforce planning for HR professionals and line managers.

  • Infographic: Mindfulness for strategic change

    From the experts

    Carter A | Apr 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Top insights from 20 mindfulness experts on how to use mindfulness for strategic change in your organisation, in an infographic.

  • The role of HR in workforce innovation

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Reilly P, Sheehan M | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this IES Perspectives on HR 2017 essay, Peter Reilly writes with Professor Maura Sheehan on the role that HR might play in workforce innovation.