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  • Slides: Introduction to event theme – High performance research

    Penny Tamkin | Jul 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Introductory slides from Penny Tamkin on 'High performance research' which she presented at the HR Directors Retreat 2012.

  • Slides: The ODA’s people journey and delivering high performance

    Michele Owens | Jul 2012 | Olympic Delivery Authority

    Slides from Michele Owens of the Olympic Delivery Authority on 'The ODA’s people journey and delivering high performance' which she presented at the HR Directors Retreat 2012.

  • Images of engaging management

    Robertson Smith G, Robinson D | Jun 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report explores perceptions of engaging managers, drawing on the contributions from their engaged teams. It presents a collection of the thought-provoking words, metaphors and pictures produced, analyses the main themes arising from them, and discusses how they guide our knowledge of the behaviours of engaging managers.

  • Teams and the engaging manager

    Tamkin P, Robinson D | Jun 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is part of The Engaging Manager Series. Each short report in the Engaging Manager series explores different aspects of engaging management. This report explores the experiences and views of engaged teams, drawing on the findings from in-depth discussions with team members.

  • Slides: Reward – what next for local government and the public sector?

    Louise Tibbert | May 2012 | Herts County Council

    Slides from Louise Tibbert of Herts County Council on 'Reward – what next for local government and the public sector?' which she presented at the HR Network event on the 'Role of incentives in tough times' on 17 May 2012.

  • Slides: The role of incentives in tough times

    Peter Reilly | May 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    An introduction from Peter Reilly to the HR Network event on the 'Role of incentives in tough times' held on 17 May 2012.

  • Slides: New paradigms for collaboration and knowledge sharing

    Stephen Dale | Mar 2012 | Collabor8now

    Slides from Stephen Dale of Collabor8now Ltd on 'New paradigms for collaboration and knowledge sharing' which he presented at the HR Network even on 'Getting maximum business value from your L&D activity' on 29 March 2012.

  • Barristers’ Working Lives: A Biennial Survey of the Bar 2011

    Pike G, Robinson D | Jan 2012 | Bar Council and Bar Standards Board

    The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, and the Bar Standards Board, the regulator of barristers in England and Wales, commissioned IES to research and produce 'Barristers’ Working Lives', the first in a planned series of biennial surveys of the Bar. The aims of the survey were to provide improved demographic data and information on the profile of the Bar, to gather data and insights into the working lives and employment experiences of barristers and to gain a better understanding of career aspirations, motivations and intentions to stay in or leave the profession.

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    The 2010 RCVS Survey of the UK Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Professions

    Robertson-Smith G, Robinson D, Hicks B, Khambhaita P, Hayday S | Oct 2010 | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

    This report presents the results of the 2010 surveys of the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing professions, carried out on behalf of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). Where possible and appropriate, results are compared with those of previous surveys. The aim of these surveys is to provide RCVS, and other interested parties, with an evidence-based view of the veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse professions, and the changes taking place within them.

  • Should I Stay, or Should I Go?

    Older employees' later life planning in a business context

    Strebler M, Baldwin S | May 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Helping older employees plan their future is challenging at the best of times. In an economic downturn these challenges are even greater. This report explores case study research gathered from a broad range of organisations. We focussed on how - and whether - older employees proactively planned their future working life and retirement; what support their employer provided and what sort of conversations they were having and with whom.