Are line managers damaging your employees' health?

Newsletter articles

20 Jul 2017

HR Insight Issue 24

Every day we hear stories about the damaging impact of stress at work and the challenges of stigma, sickness absence and so-called 'presenteeism' in modern workplaces. Of course, a great manager can provide empathy, support and practical advice for staff with health problems and can adapt their work or hours to help them stay in, or return to, work.

However, many of the health, performance and engagement problems which organisations experience can be put down, at least in part, to managers whose attitudes, behaviours and decisions might cause or exacerbate the problems of workplace stress.

In this webinar, aimed at HR professionals, occupational health specialists and line managers, Stephen Bevan, Head of HR Research Development at IES, drew upon research evidence and case studies to consider topics such as:

  • The 'duty of care' obligations on managers
  • The causes of workplace ill-health which can be influenced by managers
  • Empathy, emotional intelligence and random acts of kindness – why they are not signs of managerial weakness
  • Job design and psychological health at work
  • Looking after the health of managers.

Download the webinar slides

Please note: Unfortunately the first minute of the recording was cut off; please bear this in mind when the video starts.