Leadership for Personalised Care: evaluation case studies


The Institute for Employment Studies (IES) have been commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) to conduct an evaluation of the Leadership for Personalised Care (LPC) programme. IES is a not-for-profit charitable organisation with over forty years of experience of research and evaluation within public service environments.

The evaluation will aim to explore the impact of the LPC suite of offers and understand the difference that programme participation can make to local communities. As well as a survey of people accessing the range of LPC offers, IES will conduct deep dive case studies into a small number of local systems that will tell the story of leading the change to personalisation. The case studies will document how far personalisation has travelled towards becoming business as usual and the role of the LPC programme in providing the inspiration and/or route map for change.

What will taking part in a case study involve?

Your personal commitment is speaking to an IES researcher once. We would also like to speak with other stakeholders locally that could provide further insight into the personalisation journey, ideally from other teams or organisations across your local system so we might also ask you to nominate a colleague or point us in the direction of local data that is in the public domain. That’s it. No preparation is required. Estimated total time for each person we speak to is under one hour.

We will organise a telephone or virtual interview, at a time to suit you. We will ask you to describe actions you have taken, the role the LPC programme has played and ask you to tell us about the achievements so far. Participation is entirely voluntary and confidential. Before we start, we will ask you if we can audio record the interview to ensure accurate transcription, however you do not have to agree to this. At the end of the interview, we will ask if you could nominate anybody else to speak with us about the topics discussed. You do not have to agree to nominate anyone.

What are the outputs of the evaluation?

Once we have spoken to enough people, we will produce a case study that documents the personalisation journey in your local community. Whilst the interview is confidential, we would like to use quotes in the final case study which references your job role. You do not have to agree to this. We will send the case study to you to review before it is sent as part of our report to NHSE/I. Some case studies may be published on NHSE/I or IES website to provide inspiration to other local systems.

What will happen with my data?

IES will store your data in line with GDPR and it will be deleted three months after the project is completed. Your personal data will only be viewed by the IES research team. For further information please see the privacy policy.

What are the next steps?

Interviews will take place between August – October 2022. If you are happy to take part in the interview, please contact LPCcasestudy@employment-studies.co.uk and a team member from IES will then contact you. 

If you have any questions, please contact any of the team below:

Heather Simpson, Head of Programmes, Leadership for Personalised Care at NHSE/I: heather.simpson14@nhs.net

Alison Carter, Project Director, IES: alison.carter@employment-studies.co.uk

Megan Edwards, Project Manager, IES: megan.edwards@employment-sudies.co.uk