IES is a leading independent centre for research and evidence-based consultancy. We provide insights on employment and human resource management topics to help improve policy and practice.

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August 2024

Labour Market Statistics, August 2024

This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 13 August 2024.

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20 Jun 2024

Remembering Stephen Bevan

We are deeply sorry to announce that our dear friend and colleague, Stephen Bevan, passed away last night. Steve has been such an important part of so many of our lives over the years – through his work, as a mentor and as a friend – and we will miss him hugely.

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30 May 2024

Working for the future: five priorities for reforming employment support in the next parliament

IES Director Tony Wilson sets out five priorities for a new approach to employment support, for whoever wins the next election: based on ambitious objectives, clear entitlements, empowering people, a reformed employment (and careers) service, and new ‘labour market partnerships’ to take this forward.

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