Health-led Trial: taking part

What is the health-led trial about?

The health-led trial aims to find out whether the provision of Individual Placement Support (IPS) to people with work-limiting health conditions and disabilities in Sheffield City Region (SCR) and West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) makes a difference to health and employment outcomes.

What is Working Win?

Working Win is the name of the health-led trial in Sheffield City Region (SCR).

What is Thrive into Work?

Thrive into Work is the name of the health-led trial in West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).

Why take part in the trial?

Taking part means you can help to provide important information on what can make a difference in helping people with work-limiting health conditions and disabilities. The findings will influence local and national policymakers and practitioners who can influence the experience of individuals.

Why take part in the research surveys and/or interviews?

A little time will make a big difference. It’s easy to say no to our interviewers, but we hope you don’t. We’re not asking for money, just that you spare a little time to share your thoughts and opinions. We know your time is precious, but our work really does make a difference.

Who is part of the independent research team?

The team is formed of four well-known and highly-respected research organisations: Institute for Employment Studies (IES), Learning and Work Institute (L&W), National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), and RAND Europe.

We have come together to combine our expertise and skills to conduct the evaluation of the health-led trial. Between us, we will lead surveys with participants, interviews with participants and staff, and put the research findings into the context of international evidence on the impact of IPS.

Who will hold personal data from the evaluation?

The Department for Work and Pensions has commissioned the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to safeguard and manage all personal and research data arising from the evaluation. ONS will provide information to the independent research team that will enable the team to make contact with trial participants. It will also hold survey response data and information about the experiences of participants collected by the two trial sites, Working Win (SCR) and Thrive into Work (WMCA). ONS will also request personal data about participants from NHS Digital, DWP, and HMRC.

Your personal information will also be shared with your GP practice (with your permission).

Why have I been contacted?

All people participating in the trial are being contacted by NatCen (a member of the independent research team) to take part in the surveys. These are taking place four months following your assignment to the control group (where you receive a leaflet about local services that can help you) or to the support group (where you receive the IPS service).

You will also be contacted to take part in the survey 12 months after your assignment was made.

In addition, a small number of people will be invited to take part in interviews by IES and L&W.

Our pledge to you

We respect your wishes

Taking part is voluntary and you do not have to answer any questions that you don’t want to. Just let your interviewer know, and they will move on to the next question.

We answer your questions

Your interviewer will be happy to answer any questions you have about the study which are not covered here.

We guard your privacy

We will treat the information you give us in the strictest confidence under EU General Data Protection Regulation. The results collected are used for research purposes only. You will never receive any junk mail as a result of speaking to us. We never pass on your details to other organisations for commercial purposes.

It will not be possible to identify you in the results of this study and your personal information will not be shared with any third parties. Your answers will not affect your future dealings with any national or local government or health service organisations.

What if I want to opt out?

You can withdraw from the trial and/or research at any time.

If you would like to discuss the trial and the research before making a decision please contact Professor Stephen Bevan, Chief Investigator:

How to opt out

You can use the ‘opt-out’ form given to you at the initial meeting and/or send your notification by email or let someone know your decision.

Opting out by email

Working Win in SCR

Thrive into Work in WMCA

Birmingham & Wolverhampton -

Sandwell & West Birmingham -

Dudley -

In person to your employment specialist

If you are receiving IPS support, you can tell your employment specialist of your decision and they can either email ONS who will tell the independent research team not to contact you again.

In person to a member of the research team

If you want to opt out when you are contacted by a member of the independent research team, they will make a note of your decision and contact ONS with details so that you are not contacted about the research again.

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