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Implementing NVQs: the Experience of Employers, Employees and Trainees
Toye J, Vigor P | Mar 1994 | Institute of Manpower StudiesWhile many large employers have some experience of NVQs, decisions have still to be made about whether to become fully committed. The purpose of this report, which concentrates on use of NVQs within large organisations, is to help inform those decisions. This publication is no longer available.
A Head for Figures?
Stock J, Bevan S, Barber L | Jan 1994 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report reveals the growing managerial and administrative role of headteachers and indicates that an urgent review is required of the support available to them. This publication is no longer available.
Evaluation of Investors in People in England and Wales
Spilsbury M, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Meager N | Jan 1994 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis publication is no longer available. Investors in People was launched in 1990. It provides a framework of best practice against which employers can review the performance of employees and the competitiveness and effectiveness of the organisations for which they work. This is a large scale quantitative study of the role Investors has played in helping employers invest more effectively in the skills their businesses need.
Women in the NHS: Experiences in South East Thames
Jackson C, Barber L | Dec 1993 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis publication presented the results of a survey of staff in the SE Thames Regional Health Authority as part of their initiative to support the Women in the NHS programme. It contained recommendations under two headings: 'family friendly' employment practices, and career development for women. This publication is no longer available.
Skill Mix and Working Practice in Hospital Pharmacy
Bevan S, Strebler M T, Yeates J | Dec 1993 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis publication reviews the organisation of ten hospital pharmacy departments across England. Staff roles, task allocation and skill mix of hospital pharmacists, technicians and assistants, are examined, highlighting points of good practice. The report recommends ways of looking at both the total service and the way tasks are allocated for greater efficiency, and for moves towards greater job enrichment for many pharmacy staff. This publication is no longer available.
National and Scottish Vocational Qualifications: Early Implications of Employers’ Take-up and Use
Callender C, Toye J, Connor H, Spilsbury M | Dec 1993 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report examines awareness and patterns of use of NVQs/SVQs and Occupational Standards. Information sources, employer perceptions and factors affecting take-up of NVQs/SVQs are investigated, along with employee response and practical implementation issues. The report highlights a number of areas for improvement to help develop and broaden the base of take-up. This publication is no longer available.
Jobsearch: Modelling Behaviour and Improving Practice
Atkinson J, Dolan M, Pettigrew N, Hyndley K | Dec 1993 | Institute for Employment StudiesThree elements determine jobsearch success: employer behaviour, individual behaviour and the external labour market. This study looks at the context within which unemployed people conduct their search for work, identifies the characteristics of good jobsearch practice as well as the at-risk groups least likely to adopt them. It offers constructive and practical guidance. This publication is no longer available.
Development Centres: Assessing or Developing People?
Jackson C, Yeates J | Nov 1993 | Institute of Manpower StudiesThis publication is no longer available. As the assessment centre method has become an increasingly popular way of assessing employees, a number or organisations have been experimenting with using it as a means of developing their staff. This study explores how the method is being adopted for developmental purposes, the design, purpose and process of centres, and integration with other aspects of career management.
Measuring Satisfaction with the Careers Service
Hillage J | Nov 1993 | Careers ServiceThis publication is no longer available.
Medium Sized Enterprises: An International Perspective
Clay N, Cowling M, Cressy R, Creigh-Tyte S | Nov 1993 | NatWest Mid Corporate DivisionThis publication is not available.