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Webinar: Obesity Stigma at Work: Improving Inclusion & Productivity
Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brown D, Black C | Dec 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesA webinar discussing research findings from the first output of the PURPOSE programme, looking at improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.
Obesity stigma at work
Improving inclusion and productivity
Bajorek Z, Bevan S | Nov 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report is the first output of the PURPOSE programme (Promoting Understanding and Research into Productivity, Obesity Stigma and Employment). The programme, funded by Novo Nordisk, focusses on improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.
Health and Wellbeing Interventions in Healthcare
A rapid evidence review
Bajorek Z, Holmes J | Oct 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThe aim of this report was to undertake a rapid review of the evidence base of health and wellbeing interventions used in healthcare and their implications for wellbeing outcomes.
Potential Impact of COVID-19 Government Policy on the Adult Social Care Workforce
Griffin E | Sep 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report is the output of a project conducted by the Institute for Employment Studies and commissioned by the Health Foundation. Its purpose was to identify how government COVID-19 related policy may have impacted upon the adult social care workforce in England.
Demonstrating the effectiveness of workplace counselling
Reviewing the evidence for wellbeing and cost-effectiveness outcomes
Bajorek Z, Bevan S | Jul 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThe report aims to promote an understanding of what workplace counselling is, its purpose and the evidence-base underpinning its use. In addition, the report discusses the future of workplace counselling and ways that its benefits and impact can be more widely understood.
Supporting Mental Health of Employees During and Beyond Covid-19
Jun 2020 | AXA Asia / Columbia University WHO Centre for Global Mental HealthThis toolkit is designed to help business leaders and managers anticipate and take actions that effectively support employees’ mental health during Covid-19 and beyond.
Development of an EU framework to assess the overall impacts of occupational health and safety (OSH) prevention on the performance of construction enterprises
Final Report
Ende M, Flickenschild M, Sapulete S, Howard A, Wilson S | May 2020 | European CommissionThis study developed an EU framework to assess the impacts of OSH prevention on the performance of construction enterprises.
The Journey from Health and Safety to Healthy and Safe
Exploring the factors that influence physical and psychological health in safety-critical industries
Bajorek Z, Lucy D, Bevan S | Apr 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesShell Shipping & Maritime commissioned IES to research the factors that influence psychological and physical health in the seafaring community, how wellbeing influences adverse incidents and safety at sea, and what interventions could be implemented to improve the wellbeing of seafarers.
Progression in Employment
Supporting in-work progression for low-skilled, low-paid workers
Bajorek Z, Lucy D | Feb 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis paper summarises the evidence and the main outputs from the Progression in Employment project.
Progression in Employment: Employer initiatives in relation to progression in employment
Overview of employer initiatives in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK
Rickard C, Takala H, Byford M, Zealley C, Bajorek Z, Hadjivassiliou K, Lucy D | Feb 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis paper provides an overview of what is known about current employer practice with respect to progressing low-skilled staff.