Assessing the Needs of Disadvantaged Learners and Potential Learners
A wide range of programmes of financial and practical support are currently usedto promote widening participation in the Further Education sector and toincrease the retention, achievement and progression of existing learners.
Schemestargeting disadvantaged learners and non-learners include (but are not limited to):Education Maintenance Allowance; discretionary Learner Support(including 20+ Childcare, residential bursaries and Hardship funds); Care to Learn; and Adult Learning Grants, as well as a range of policies forengaging adults in further education, covering those both in and out of work.
The Institute for Employment Studies, together with the National Institute ofAdult and Continuing Education and Ipsos-MORI, was commissionedby the Learning and Skills Council to undertake a study to explore the needsof disadvantaged learners and non-learners and the role of learner support inpromoting and enabling engagement in education and training among thesegroups.