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Employment Rights at Work
Survey of Employees 2005
Casebourne J, Regan J, Neathey F, Tuohy S | Employment Relations Research Series ERRS51 | Department of Trade and Industry | Mar 2006
The main aims of the study were:
- to assess employees' general awareness of the scope of their employment rights
- for selected topics, to establish employees' knowledge of specific employment rights provision (eg level of the National Minimum Wage(NMW) qualifying period for taking action on the grounds of unfair dismissal and discrimination cases, and rules for the award of costs in employment tribunal cases)
- to find out the main sources of information and professional advice about employment rights issues and, when employees have had a recent problem (eg in the past five years), where they sought advice and guidance and what they did to try and resolve the problem
- to identify the personal and employment characteristics that influence employees' levels of awareness, knowledge and preparedness to seek advice and take action to enforce their individual employment rights (including employment status).