Evaluation of the national roll-out of the early career framework induction programmes

Annual summary (Year 2)

Pollard E, Osborne E, Williams C, Williams J, Nancarrow A, Talbot J, Dave A, Cook J, Illidge L |   | Institute for Employment Studies / BMG | Feb 2024

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This research briefing presents key findings drawn from the experiences of the first cohort of Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and mentors across their 2-year Early Career Framework (ECF) based induction programme plus the experiences of their induction tutors. It reflects on findings gathered from these participants in Year 2 collected through:

  • A survey conducted in April and May 2023 towards the end of the 2nd year, referred to as the end-point survey.[1]
  • Case study interviews in 8 schools[2] and interviews with senior leaders and induction tutors in a further 14 schools, with fieldwork taking place between March and July 2023.
  • Discussions with the 6 lead providers[3] supporting the ECF-based induction programme in the 2021 to 2022 and the 2022 to 2023 academic years, undertaken between February and April 2023.
  • Two virtual workshops with mentors, in March 2023 and July 2023.

It also builds on and provides comparisons to earlier findings presented in the Year 1 research briefing[4] published in March 2023 and draws on published data and analysis from the Department for Education’s (DfE) teacher continuing professional development digital service.[5]  It focuses on how the ECF-based induction programme has evolved in the 2nd year of its implementation, participant experiences of and engagement with Year 2 of the programme, and reflections across the 2 years.

The research aims to help the DfE understand how well the ECF-based induction programme is working and where it is working well, the challenges encountered, and how the ECF-based induction programme can be improved. The Department has already taken account of findings from Year 1 and is continuing to work to make changes to guidance and support.[6]

[1] The survey was sent to all ECTs, mentors and induction tutors who responded to the baseline survey (which was sent to all those registered on the DfE teacher CPD digital service as at November 2021), and all those ECTs, mentors and induction tutors who responded to the mid-point survey (which was sent to baseline respondents but also anyone registered on the DfE teacher CPD digital service between December 2021 and April 2022).

[2] Across the 8 schools, 33 individuals were interviewed including induction tutors, senior leaders, mentors, ECTs (from Cohort 1 and also Cohort 2), representatives from appropriate bodies, delivery partners and school governing bodies.

[3] The 6 lead providers during 1st and 2nd year of the implementation of the ECF reforms were: Ambition Institute, Best Practice Network, Capita, Education Development Trust, Teach First, and UCL Institute of Education.

[5] The teacher CPD digital service is known as the Manage Training for Early Career Teachers service. See the statistical release Teacher and Leader development: ECF and NPQs.

[6] See the section ‘Responding to feedback’.