Health-led Trials impact evaluation reports
Evaluation of time-limited provision of Individual Placement and Support for people with moderate to mild mental and physical health conditions in primary care
These reports contain the detailed findings, analysis and explanation of the methodologies for the Health-led Trials, a large scale randomised-controlled trial testing time-limited provision of Individual Placement and Support for people with moderate to mild mental and physical health conditions in primary care.
These reports include:
- the implementation and four month report
- the impact report
- the survey report
- the economic evaluation report
- a context, mechanism, outcome (CMO) report
- a report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the trial
These reports provide a comprehensive source of evidence on Individual Placement and Support for policymakers, academics, local authorities and practitioners.
Research value
This research contributes valuable insights that inform the design of the ongoing expansion of the Individual Placement and Support service, as well as the future delivery of Universal Support.