Response to consultation on measures to increase transparency in the UK labour market
Submission from the Institute for Employment Studies, May 2018
In February 2018, the UK Government launched a consultation on measures to increase transparency in the labour market, seeking views on the recommendations in Matthew Taylor's Review of Modern Working Practices.
In our response to the consultation, we drew on our extensive research in this area, including recent research into the UK's self-employed workforce and qualitative analysis of individuals' experiences of the gig economy.
This paper presents the IES response to the consultation, including our view on whether the government should introduce a Right to Request a more stable contract, drawing on our research into another 'right to request', the Right to Request Time to Train. Our response also offers our view, informed by our research on employee engagement, on how the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations (ICE Regulations) may be improved. We also consider whether the right to a written statement should be extended.
This consultation was one of four consultations launched by the government in its response the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices. IES also responded to the consultation on employment status.