Review and Evaluation of the National Peer Referencing Pilots

Bellis A, Lucy D, Baldwin S, Newton B |   | Quality Improvement Agency for Lifelong Learning | May 2007

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Peer referencing is a key method through which learning providers can exercise their collective responsibilities for quality improvement.

Working together to identify and share good practice, benchmark performance and validate self-assessment judgments, they are able to improve performance and raise their standards. The Quality Improvement Agency (QIA) supported a range of projects on peer referencing to inform developments in self-improvement and self-regulation within the learning and skills sector.

In order to develop the promotion, delivery and quality of peer review, QIA commissioned IES to carry out an evaluation of the pilot projects. Drawing on a series of telephone interviews and workshops, this report explores the efficacy of methods of engagement, identifies good practice and makes recommendations for development of peer referencing and review.

The QIA also commissioned a small-scale study to explore the scope and nature of peer referencing activities taking place beyond the framework of the pilot project. Download a pdf of this additional report, Peer referencing within the FE system - some case studies of emerging sector practice