Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 1, Key Findings

Report 00284-2010BKT-EN | UK Commission for Employment and Skills / Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Feb 2010

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This publication provides an overview of the key findings of the first National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010: Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow.

The Audit aimed to provide government, as well as employers, providers, individuals and public agencies with greater insight and foresight into England’s existing and future skill needs. It identified the sectors, occupations and skills on which we need to particularly focus so that we are able to effectively meet the changing needs of the economy and labour market.

The National Strategic Skills Audit 2010, Key Findings report begins by focusing on the extent to which England’s current skills needs are being met, developing and using a framework for assessing the extent and nature of ‘mismatch’ between the skills we need and the skills available.

The Audit then assesses the likely emerging, future skills needs which will arise from the evolution of the economy and labour market. This assessment is based on three things: an examination of the ‘drivers of change’; a set of labour market projections; and detailed sectoral analysis (undertaken by Sector Skills Councils, as well as a number of specially commissioned studies).

Particular attention is given in the Audit to the sectors and occupations where most focus is likely to be required if we are to ensure that England has the skills we need for both today and tomorrow. An initial indication of regional differences is also provided.