Understanding Employer Networks

Cox A, Higgins T, Marangozov R, Breuer Z, Garrett R | Evidence Report 66 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills | Jan 2013

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This research sought to develop a greater understanding of the design, implementation and impact on skills ofemployer networks in the UK to inform the delivery of investment projects.

Previous research has shown that there is considerable potential to make use of employer networks as a policy lever to increase skill levels and innovation in UK workplaces.

This study explores networks with a skills and/or innovation focus in the UK and draws insight from eight case studies of diverse network types: illustrating how they function and operate; the drivers, and nature, of employer engagement; and the type of impact they have on employers.

We believe that thestudy provides some valuable insights and implications for stakeholders who are engaged in investing in, leading and establishing networks to address skills gaps and innovative capacity.