Susie Bamford

BSc MSc PhD CPsychol

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Principal Research Fellow (maternity cover)

Susie joined IES as a Senior Research Fellow in October 2022.   She is a quantitative researcher, statistician, and a chartered psychologist.  She has substantial research experience spanning the last 20 years, which extends across academia, independent research providers, and her own research consultancy.  

Susie worked on internationally recognised trials at the Universities of Bangor and Southampton, where she completed several years of postdoctoral research in psychology laboratories running randomised controlled trials with behavioural and educational outcomes in schools, nurseries, and clinics.  The highlights were working on Professor Fergus Lowe’s Food Dudes project promoting healthy eating in children at Bangor University, designing and running her own research strand into emotional responses and the brain behaviour link (at Bangor and Southampton Universities), working on the early years comparison of parenting programmes (COPPI) trial at University of Southampton, and running 3 double-blind placebo-controlled drug studies at the Department of Psychiatry in Southampton.

Following this she gained 3 years of educational research experience at the National Foundation for Educational Research where she led several trials and was an active member of the NFER trials unit.   Whilst at NFER Susie also produced high impact work looking at teacher workforce issues using secondary datasets, and conducted research looking at education to employment transitions. 

In 2017 she left NFER and set up her own business providing consultancy on the design and delivery of research to various clients.  During this time, she worked on several projects for IES as an IES associate. 

Susie’s main interests are in the areas of education, health, and human behaviour.  She is an expert in RCT design and delivery and is an experienced project leader.  She is passionate about producing excellent quality research evidence and communicating the science in a clear and engaging way. 



Bangor University 

Ph.D. Experimental Psychology/Cognitive Neuroscience


Bangor University

M.Sc. Psychological Research


University of Warwick

B.Sc. Psychology 



Bamford and Turić

Independent Quantitative Researcher and Statistician


National Foundation for Educational Research

Quantitative Researcher/Statistician


Department of Psychiatry, University of Southampton, Experimental Psychopathology Laboratory

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Developmental Brain and Behaviour, Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2008 - 2009

Bangor University 

Postdoctoral Researcher

2007 - 2008

ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Bangor University

Research publications prior to joining IES

Lord, P., Styles, B., Morrison, J., White, R., Andrade, J., Bamford, S., Lushey, C.,Lucas, M., and Smith, R. (2018). Families and schools together (FAST): Evaluation report and executive summary. Slough: NFER.

Buchanan, E., Sharp, C., Worth, J., Martin, C., Bamford, S., and Des Clayes, Z. (2018). Evaluation of the Return to Teaching Pilot Programme. Slough: NFER.

Bamford, S. and Worth, J. (2017). Teacher Retention and Turnover Research. Research Update 3: Is the Grass Greener Beyond Teaching? Slough: NFER.

Straw, S., Bamford, S. and Styles, B. (2017). Randomised Controlled Trial and Process Evaluation of Code Clubs. Slough: NFER.

Hillary, J., Bamford, S., Bernardinelli, D. and Gee, G. (2017). A Tale of Eight Regions. Part 2: Challenge and Support Across the Regional Schools Commissioner Areas. Slough: NFER.

Straw, S., Bamford, S, C. and Martin, K. (2016). Evaluation of The SpringBoard Bursary Foundation: Year 3. Slough: NFER.

Lynch, S., Worth, J., Bamford, S. and Wespieser, K. (2016). Engaging Teachers: NFER Analysis of Teacher Retention. Slough: NFER.

McCrone, T. and Bamford, S. (2016). NEET Prevention: Keeping Students Engaged at Key Stage 4. Slough: NFER

Kwakye, I.N., Garner, M., Baldwin, D.S., Bamford, S., Pinkney, V., & Bishop, F.L. (2016) Altruism, personal benefit, and anxieties: a phenomenological study of healthy volunteers’ experiences in a placebo-controlled trial of duloxetine. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental 31(4) DOI: 10.1002/hup.2543

Worth, J., Bamford, S. and Durbin, B. (2015). Should I Stay or Should I Go? NFER Analysis of Teachers Joining and Leaving the Profession. Slough: NFER.

Bamford, S., Penton Voak, I.P., Pinkney, V., Baldwin, D.S., Munafo, M.R., & Garner, M.  (2015) Early Effects of Duloxetine on Emotion Recognition in Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Psychopharmacology 03/2015; DOI: 10.1177/0269881115570085.

Bamford, S., Broyd, S.J., Benikos, N., Ward, R., Wiersema, J.R., & Sonuga-Barke, E.J: (2015) The Late Positive Potential: A neural marker of the regulation of emotion-based approach-avoidance actions?  Biological Psychology. 105:115-23. Doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.01.009.

Helps, S.K., Bamford, S., Sonuga-Barke, E.J & Soderlund, G., (2014). Different effects of adding White Noise on Performance of Sub-, Average and Super-Attentive School Children. PLoS One.  9(11): e112768. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112768.

Pinkney, V., Wickens, R., Bamford, S., Baldwin, D.S. and Garner, M. (2014) Defensive eye-blink startle responses in a human experimental model of anxiety. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(9):874-80 doi: 10.1177/0269881114532858. 

Broyd, S.J., Richards. H.J, Helps,S.K., Chronaki, G., Bamford, S. & Sonuga-Barke, E.J. (2012) An Electrophysiological monetary incentive delay (e-MID) task: A way to decompose the different components of neural response to positive and negative monetary reinforcement. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 209, 40-49.

Broyd, S.J., Richards. H.J., Helps,S.K., Chronaki, G., Bamford, S. & Sonuga-Barke, E.J. (2012) Electrophysiological markers of the motivational salience of delay imposition and escape. Neuropsychologia 50, 965-972.

Bamford, S., Turnbull, O., Coetzer, R., & Ward, R. (2009). To lose the frame of action: A selective deficit in avoiding unpleasant objects following unilateral temporal lobe lesion, Neurocase, 15 (4), 261-270.

Bamford, S., & Ward, R. (2008). Predispositions to approach and avoid are contextually sensitive and goal dependent. Emotion, 8, 174-183.

Ward, R., Danziger, S., & Bamford, S. (2005). Response to visual threat following damage to the pulvinar. Current Biology, 15, 571-573.

Conference presentations

Mahmood, J., & Bamford, S., (2019) Preparing to support preparedness.Oral presentation on behalf of the General Dental Council at the Professional Standards Authority Conference, Cumberland Lodge 2019.

McCrone T., &  Bamford S. (2016)Young people’s transitions: how employers make a difference.  Oral presentation at the London conference on employer engagement in education and training, London 2016.

Bamford S., Penton-Voak, I.P., Pinkney, V.P., Baldwin, D.S, Munafo, M.R., & Garner, M.J. (2014) Early Effects of Duloxetine on Emotion Recognition in Healthy Volunteers.  Poster presented at Stress and Anxiety Research conference, Romania 2014, and British Association for Psychopharmacology, Cambridge 2014.

Pinkney VL, Bamford S, Baldwin DS, Munafo MR & Garner M (2014).  The effects of duloxetine on subjective, autonomic and neurocognitive response to 7.5% carbon dioxide challenge Poster presented at Stress and Anxiety Research conference, Romania 2014, and British Association for Psychopharmacology, Cambridge 2014.

Pinkney, V., Wickens, R., Bamford, S., Baldwin, D.S. and Garner, M. (2013) Defensive eye-blink startle responses in a human experimental model of anxiety. Poster at British Association for Psychopharmacology meeting, Harrogate, UK.

Bamford, S., Broyd, S.J., Benikos, N., Ward, R., Wiersema, J.R., & Sonuga-Barke, E.J: (2012) The Late Positive Potential: A neural marker of the regulation of emotion-based approach avoidance actions? Oral presentation Cumberland Lodge meeting December 2012.

Bamford, S.,  Helps, S.K., Soderlund, G., & Sonuga-Barke, E.J.: (2011) Differential effects of White Noise on Task Performance of Sub-, Normal and Super-Attentive School Children. Poster presentation at 22nd Eunethydis Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. 

Broyd, S.J., Richards. H.J., Helps,S.K., Chronaki, G., Bamford, S. & Sonuga-Barke, E.J. (2011) Electrophysiological markers of delay aversion. Poster presentation at 22nd Eunethydis Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. 

Bamford, S., Broyd, S.J. Ward, R., & Sonuga-Barke, E.J. (2010) The Neural Mediators of Emotional Dysregulation in ADHD. Oral presentation at the BATSA meeting, Ghent, Belgium.

Bamford, S. & Ward, R. (2008) Predispositions to Approach and Avoid are Contextually Sensitive and Goal Dependent.   Poster presented at the 8th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, Florida.

Bamford, S., Turnbull O., Coetzer, R., & Ward R. (2008) Emotion driven action: A selective deficit in avoiding unpleasant objects following unilateral temporal lobe lesion. Poster presented at the Human Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Conference, Reading, U.K. 

Research publications
