Thank you for completing our survey
If you feel like you need further support for your finances, pension or wellbeing you may find the following list of organisations/support services useful.
If you have any questions or concerns about the research itself, you can contact the research team at:
Project Director: Sally Wilson (
Project Manager: Kate Alexander (
Financial information and support your retirement income: |
Government website providing a range of information regarding finances such as benefits, tax, and pensions |
Money Helper |
Free and impartial help with money, including information about pensions and retirement |
Citizens Advice For England, call 03444 111 444 or check contact details via local Citizens Advice search option on the Citizens Advice website. |
Confidential advice on work, debt and money |
Step Change Make your budget before calling 0800 138 1111 – a call takes around 40 minutes to complete. Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm. |
Debt charity offering free expert advice to help you deal with debt and get the support you need. Includes an online debt tool to make a budget |
Mental Health & Money Advice |
Mental Health & Money Advice is a UK-wide online advice service designed to help you understand, manage and improve your financial and mental health. |
Wellbeing support
Mind Infoline0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm) Text: 86463 |
The Mind Infoline can help you to find out what services are available in your area, and provide information on a range of topics, including:
Side by Side |
Mind’s online peer support community |
Local Mind ServicesEach local Mind is an independent charity run by local people, for local people. You can find your nearest Local Mind at: |
Local Mind services include talking therapies, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending |