Understanding the Future of Work
Participant Information
Before you decide whether to take part, you need to understand why the research is being undertaken and what taking part would involve for you.
Please read the following information carefully and talk to others about the study if you wish. Contact details are supplied so you can ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take your time to decide whether or not you want to take part.
What is the purpose of the research? The aim of this research is to understand how young adults and those who advise them view a career in UK Defence (by UK Defence, we mean the Royal Navy/Marines, British Army, Royal Air Force, Ministry of Defence and Reserves), and how those views may change in future under different possible events or circumstances.
Who is doing this research? The study is being conducted by Cranfield School of Management, Institute for Employment Studies (IES), QinetiQ Ltd, Aleph Insights and 100% Open. The study is funded by the Ministry of Defence.
Why have I been invited to take part? You have been invited to take part because either:
- You are a young adult aged 18-29- years of age
- You are a parent of a child aged under 30 years old
- You are an advisor for young people/adults aged under 30 years old eg a careers advisor, youth worker etc.
And you took part in a survey and indicated that you were interested in taking part in an online workshop.
Do I have to take part? No, participation is entirely voluntary. You should read this Participant Information Sheet before deciding. If you have any questions, you can contact the researchers using the details given below.
What will I be asked to do? You will be asked to take part in an online workshop with up to five other people. You will be asked questions about your views and attitudes towards pursuing or recommending a career in UK Defence, and how these views may change under different future scenarios. The workshop will last around one and a half hours .
Are there any direct benefits to me of taking part? No, there are no direct benefits to you taking part.
What are the possible disadvantages (or risks) of taking part? There are no anticipated disadvantages or risks to taking part.
We will be asking questions about your views on what you would like from work, and how your views on a career in UK Defence may change given different future circumstances. In the unlikely event that participation in the research prompts uncomfortable thoughts or feelings, we can provide you with signposting to relevant organisations for support
Can I withdraw from the research and what will happen if I withdraw? Yes you are free to withdraw from the focus group at any time up until the end of the discussion. However, it will not be possible for you to withdraw your data up to the point of withdrawal because it will be combined with the views of others in the group and it will not be possible to separate out your individual contribution.
Will I receive any expenses or payments?
You will receive financial remuneration for participating in the online workshop of £50.
Who do I contact if I have a complaint?
Name: Professor Michael Bourlakis
Address: Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Beds MK43 0AL
Tel No: 01234 751122
E-mail: m.bourlakis@cranfield.ac.uk
What happens if I suffer any harm? If you suffer any harm as a direct result of taking part in this study, you can apply for compensation under the MOD’s No-Fault Compensation Scheme.
Will my records be kept confidential? Yes. All details that you provide to the research team will be stored confidentially and securely. All researchers that will work with, and with whom the dataset may be shared, are bound by the Data Protection Act 2018 and other relevant regulations not to re-identify individuals using information volunteered as part of the study, and maintaining your anonymity is of highest importance to the research team and sponsor. At the end of the project the anonymised data will be shared with Dstl, who also retain the right to pass these data onto third parties. The consent forms will be sent to the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC) Secretariat, where they will be kept for seven years.
Who has reviewed the study? This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC).
Further Information and Contact Details:
Name : Professor Emma Parry
Address : Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Beds MK43 0AL
Tel No : 01234 751122
E-mail : emma.parry@cranfield.ac.uk
Compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki: This study will be conducted in accordance with the principles defined in the Declaration of Helsinki as adopted at the 64th WMA General Assembly at Fortaleza, Brazil in October 2013.