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  • NIHR Staff Engagement in the NHS

    Review of Practitioner Studies of Engagement

    Holmes J, Fletcher L, Buzzeo J, Robinson D, Truss C, Madden A, Alfes K | Oct 2014 | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

    The Review of Practitioner Studies of Engagement looks at the review of non academic evidence, such as published articles in healthcare media and on the web. It summarises the way this review was conducted and how the evidence was assessed.

  • Guide to Engagement for Senior Leaders

    Robinson D, Fletcher L, Truss C, Alfes K, Holmes J, Madden A, Buzzeo J, Currie G | Oct 2014 | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

    The Guide to Engagement for Senior Leaders looks at the key role senior leaders can play in shaping organisational culture to support staff engagement. It summarises the evidence based review of the impact of leadership.

  • Guide to Engagement for HR

    Robinson D, Buzzeo J, Fletcher L, Truss C, Holmes J, Madden A, Currie G | Oct 2014 | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

    The aim of this guide is to inform HR professionals about engagement: what it is, why it matters, what makes it happen, and above all what this means for those in an HR role. It focuses on the actions HR should take to foster and sustain engagement levels throughout your organisation.

  • Slides: Enabling change in the public sector

    Engagement and leadership

    Robin Wilkinson | Oct 2014 | Metropolitan Police Service

    Enabling change in the public sector: engagement and leadership

  • Slides: The lies HR tells itself – in rewards

    Duncan Brown | Sep 2014 | AON Hewitt

    Presentation slides from Duncan Brown, Aon Hewitt, at the IES Annual Provocation: The enemy within: the lies HR tells itself.

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    The 2014 RCVS Survey of the Veterinary Professions: Synthesis Report

    Robinson D, Williams M, Buzzeo J | Sep 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    These surveys for RCVS provide a snapshot of the current state of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions, with the results providing information in a number of areas, including demographics, work status, job satisfaction and well-being. The results also gauge individual views on the current state of the profession.

  • The 2014 RCVS Survey of the Veterinary Profession

    Buzzeo J, Robinson D, Williams M | Sep 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    These surveys for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) provide a snapshot of the current state of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions, with the results providing information in a number of areas, including demographics, work status, job satisfaction and well-being, among others. The results also gauge individual views on the current state of the profession.

  • The engaging manager in development mode

    Marvell R, Robinson D, Hirsh W  | Aug 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report explores the engaging manager as a developer, drawing on in-depth discussions with the managers themselves, their own managers, and their teams. We also draw on findings from our earlier research into Managers as Developers of Others. Engaging managers have had very different experiences of formal personal development, ranging from practically none to considerable investment in internal and external leadership programmes. However, they all have a development focus when it comes to managing their teams. Typically, they manage performance very well, and in doing so understand the different development needs of individuals within the team. They adopt a coaching style, and will look for opportunities for team members, or the team as a whole, to shine. This might be an opportunity to gain a place on a talent programme, or become involved in a special project or secondment, or simply to try out something different. The report gives some practical advice to managers who would like to improve their development focus.

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    The evidence: Wellbeing and employee engagement

    David MacLeod and Nita Clarke | Jun 2014 | Engage for Success

    This paper sets out the evidence for the linkage between employee engagement and wellbeing, and the consequential impact on individual and organisational performance.

  • Event Slides cover

    Slides: Future directions for innovation

    Linda Holbeche | Jun 2014 | Holbeche Partnership

    What’s driving the need for innovation? What’s changing in our understanding of innovation? How can HR innovate, and equip organisations to be innovative?