Managing Extended Working Life

Lucy D, Broughton A, Lazazzara A, Stettes O, Le Boulaire M, Tran X | Panorama 303 | Entreprise & Personnel | May 2012

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The issue of the ageing workforce, resulting from changing demographics and lifestyles, raises important questions about the balance between economic and social factors in European societies.

As a result, extending working life is an obvious necessity in all European nations and was established as a goal for the European Union by the Stockholm European summit in 2001 for the European Union. However, the responses proposed both by Public authorities and by employers can be perceptibly different from one country to another.

This Panorama study is the very first publication to result from a collaboration between four European partners - the university of Milan Bicocca in Italy, the Institute for Employment Studies in the UK, the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Cologne, and Entreprise & Personnel in France.

These four institutes decided to throw light on how the issue of managing older workers takes shape in companies in their respective countries and what analysis can be made of those realities.