Review of DDRB Pay Comparability Methodologies
Final Report
This report produced by IES on behalf of the Office of Manpower Economics (OME), offers insights on the perceived appropriateness of the Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration Review Body's (DDRB) current pay comparability methodology.
The report details the findings of a review conducted by IES, which involved interviews with key stakeholders in relevant bodies such as the BMA and NHS Employers; interviews with doctors and dentists; and a review of the current literature on external practice, including analysis on career paths, inflows and outflows.
The report offers insights on interviewees views towards international comparison and the related challenges; whether additional occupations, such as academia or the veterinary profession, should be included in the methodology; doctors and dentists' motivations with regards to pay and reward; and more.
To read a brief summary of the findings, click here.