The Value of eLearning
How Can you Tell?
There is widespread evidence from both organisational reports and academic literature of the increase in the use of eLearning as part of a portfolio of training options available to HR managers.
This does not mean to say that we have seen the end of instructor-led training (at the time of this report it still dominated the market with a 70 per cent of all training), nor would many suggest the replacement of all traditional learning methods.
However, the share of instructor-led training in the market in the next few years was predicted to fall to about 35 to 40 per cent, to be overtaken by technology-based training.
At the same time, it is not an either/or situation. Indeed, a case example reported by the head of global management development at IBM, emphasised this by noting that it wasimportant that IBM's approach to eLearning did not eliminate face-to-face learning, rather that it enhanced it.