IES Honorary Fellowship launch
5 May 2016
On 25 November 2015, we held a reception to launch the IES Honorary Fellowship programme. The launch, preceded by the HR Network annual Provocation event, was addressed by Lord Ian Blair, former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
We were delighted to have Lord Ian Blair as our speaker. Lord Blair was the most senior police officer in Britain from 2005-2008, having been the Deputy Commissioner for the preceding five years. He has been widely regarded as a leading exponent of police reform, and led the Met through some key moments such as the London bombings. Lord Blair spoke compellingly and humorously of leadership, with both contemporary and historic case studies, alongside some insightful quotes.
Before the Fellows reception, we held our Annual Provocation for member organisations’ HR Directors, this year entitled Beyond Competencies. Guests enjoyed insights and analysis with Jonathan Gosling, Professor of Leadership at the Centre for Leadership Studies at the University of Exeter, and Nana Amoa-Buahin, Director of Human Resources and OD at the London Borough of Lambeth. The Provocation explored whether the use of competencies as the staple means by which we specify the characteristics we look for in new recruits, in promotees and what we expect in terms of performance and behaviour, has run its course. The afternoon and evening left all who attended feeling stimulated, connected and well looked-after thanks to the generosity of our hosts, Eversheds.
Our new Honorary Fellows include those at the forefront of employment issues; organisational, trade union and HR leaders, thinkers, policy-makers and commentators. They have each made a personal contribution to sustainable improvements in employment policy and HR management; some through thought leadership; others through being leading-edge workplace practitioners or experts. Through what we hope will be a mutually beneficial relationship, our Fellows will help to support our mission to bring about sustainable improvement in employment policy and human resource management.