Legal Sector Workforce Planning Research

The legal services market is facing widespread disruption with a more liberal regulatory environment, stronger commercial pressures, and the increasing adoption of technology. These developments will impact the type of roles and skills required in solicitor firms for them to preform successfully.

The Law Society wants to assist solicitor and member firms to prepare for these changes by further developing their education, training and development offer. To achieve this, the Society needs detailed insights into where solicitor firms need further support.

For this purpose, the Institute for Employment Studies has been commissioned to undertake primary research with law firms and organisations employing solicitors to understand:

  • whether and how firms currently engage in workforce planning and the barriers to doing so
  • how and when firms recruit
  • the skillsets they look for, and
  • how this may change over the next five to ten years.

The research will comprise around 30 in-depth interviews with private practices and in-house legal teams throughout England and Wales. The interviews will generally be with individuals with HR responsibilities within the company who are charged with recruitment and retention.