Activity Agreement Pilots - trialling different approaches to re-engaging young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)

Evaluation of the 2009-10 extension

Maguire S, Newton B, with Fearn H, Oakley J, Williams C, Miller L, Levesley T | Research Report RR086 | Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) | Feb 2011

Activity Agreements (AA) were piloted in eight areas of England between April 2006 and March 2011 and were designed to help re-engage young people (aged 16 or 17) not in employment, education or training (NEET). During the course of three distinct phases different delivery principles were tested.

This report evaluates the final 12-month extended period of these pilots (known as Pilot 3). The research involved a process evaluation associated with the changes introduced as part of Pilot 3, combined with a follow up survey of young people who were engaged and first surveyed as part of Pilot 1 (2006-2008).