
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Gender pay: How do you achieve and report parity?

    The case example of FDM Group

    Brown D | Nov 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How was FDM Group, a global professional services provider, able to achieve a median gender pay gap of zero per cent? This case study report analyses the Company's progress and culture, offering insights for other employers on how to address their own pay gaps.

  • Slides: Talent management at the heart of our people strategy

    Begbie S | Oct 2017 | Standard Life Aberdeen

    Sandy Begbie's slides from IES annual conference 2017 'Smaller function, bigger issues: Where next for HR and people management?'.

  • Flexible working for parents returning to work

    Maintaining career development

    Mercer M | Sep 2017 | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)

    IES report, produced on behalf of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas), considers the impact that organisations' approach to managing staff returning to work from parental leave can have on career progression, gender stereotypes and the gender pay gap.

  • Talent management: Learning across sectors (Executive Summary)

    Hirsh W, Tyler E | Jul 2017 | Leadership Foundation for Higher Education

    This summary offers an overview of the full report, which aimed to help leaders in higher education as they address talent management in their own institutions.

  • Talent management: Learning across sectors

    Hirsh W, Tyler E | Jul 2017 | Leadership Foundation for Higher Education

    This report aims to help leaders in higher education as they address talent management in their own institutions.

  • Talent management: responding to uncertainty

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Hirsh W | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Wendy Hirsh writes in IES Perspectives on HR 2017, considering the role of talent management in uncertain times and in a changing landscape of work.

  • Darkening skies? IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In acknowledgement of current turbulent times, the Institute has published a collection of articles addressing today’s pressing issues for organisations. Pulling together existing research and their own insights and experiences from working with organisations, the team of researchers and consultants have offered their reflections on how leaders and HR practitioners can successfully navigate the imminent challenges.

  • Infographic: Effective talent and succession management

    Hirsh W | Jun 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Infographic summarising Wendy Hirsh's framework and top tips, as published in her new 2-page guide: Effective talent and succession management.

  • Effective talent and succession management

    A framework for thinking about your own approach

    Hirsh W | Jun 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The first paper in our new HR Essentials series focuses on talent and succession management. It offers the practitioner two elements of support on just two pages: 1. A framework for thinking about your own approach. 2. Ten practical tips for developing and implementing a successful approach.

  • The role of the line in talent management

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Hirsh W | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    HR needs to consider how talent management lands with those who are tasked with bringing it to life – how line managers are key players and how they can feel unsupported, isolated and unskilled in fulfilling their role. Considering how the line can be enabled to succeed should be the focus of HR intervention.