
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Webinar & Slides: The Future of Employment Support

    What’s working, what needs to change?

    Jun 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A webinar recording and slides from the Commission on the Future of Employment Support online workshop.

  • Beyond the hybrid

    Exploring the potential for a broader approach to flexible working

    Allen A | Jun 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Ahead of her HR Network presentation, Astrid Allen considers the substantial challenge in enabling the benefits of flexible working to reach those who often need it most.

  • Work Coach Provision of Employment Support

    A Work Coach-focused interim report from the research project ‘Cross-Cutting Evaluation of Plan for Jobs’

    Buzzeo J, Campbell B, Newton B | May 2023 | Department for Work and Pensions

    In 2022, IES and Ipsos were asked by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to produce a report in response to a series of recommendations made by the Public Accounts Committee.

  • Leadership for Personalised Care

    Impact evaluation

    Edwards M, Campbell B, Mason B  | May 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES conducted an independent impact evaluation of the Leadership for Personalised Care (LPC) suite of programmes. The LPC offers a range of programmes that deliver learning and development on the key elements of personalised care, and how this can be introduced into individuals’, organisations’ and systems’ practice.

  • Catch up Literacy Evaluation Report

    Dawson A, Williams C, Newton B, Garner L, Talbot J, Bowyer-Crane C (NIESR), Boshoff J (NIESR)  | May 2023 | What Works for Children's Social Care?

    Children in care have reportedly poorer educational outcomes than their peers who are not in care. As such, it is vital that interventions are identified that can help to close this attainment gap.

  • Labour Market Statistics, May 2023

    May 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 16 May 2023.

  • Evaluation of Help to Grow: Management

    End of year one evaluation report

    Allen A, Garner L, Lanceley L, Lucy D (IES) | May 2023 | Ipsos/IES

    This summary presents headline findings from an early process evaluation of the Help to Grow: Management programme carried out between October 2021 and March 2022

  • The Commission on the Future of Employment Support: Call for evidence: summary of responses

    Campbell B, Patel R, Plowden Roberts C | May 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This document is a summary of the emerging themes from the Commission on the Future of Employment Support Call for Evidence.

  • Slides: The IES Annual Conference 2023

    Shaping a fairer world of work

    Wilson T, Brown D, Straker H, Smith N | Apr 2023 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A collection of presentation slides from the annual IES HR conference

  • Evaluation of the Health-led Employment Trials: Synthesis report

    Newton B, Gloster R | Apr 2023 | Department for Work and Pensions / Department of Health & Social Care

    This summary provides insights into the outcomes from the Health-led Employment Trials 12 months after recruitment.