HR Network Research: Building change-ready, change-able teams

HR Network news

17 May 2018

An invitation to participate in a new research and action learning project.

This is a brand new IES HR Network project being led jointly with Henley Forum for Organisational Learning and Knowledge Strategies, part of Henley Business School.

Having change-ready, change-able teams is at the heart of any organisation’s dynamic capability. In practice, however, we know that change can engender both resistance and overload in the people involved, and that teams often don’t feel ready and able for change.

So, developing a better understanding of the underpinnings of change-ready, change-able teams stands to benefit both organisations and the people involved.

We will be exploring the question of developing change-able teams from two perspectives:

  • contextual conditions that contribute to change-readiness and change-ability at a team level; and

  • personal attributes that contribute to change-readiness and change-ability of teams

What are we looking for?

We are looking for established teams who are already involved in change – either as initiators or recipients of change. The teams may be at different stages in the change journey. What is important is that they have some history of working in that team on which they can reflect.

Benefits of participating in this research

The research process will be participative and action-orientated, offering individual and organisational development over a period of several months. Participants will gain practical insights into the qualities and attributes of change-ready, change-able teams.

Logistics and workshop information

We will run a 1-day workshop at Henley on 28 June 2018 to scope out the project with participants and agree the detailed approach. Following the workshop, we expect to reach out to the change teams with interviews and questionnaires. A second 1-day workshop on 27 November 2018 will share emerging findings.

Get involved

Participation is exclusive to IES and Henley Forum member organisations and available at no extra cost. If you are interested in finding out more, please email