What our members say

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We care what our members think. Read some of their comments below.

Are you a member? We're always keen to hear your comments, receive feedback on our events and consider suggestions for the HR Network as a whole. Contact: Emma Stewart-Rigby.


 Teresa Newell (Mrs) FCIPD - Head of Human Resources, The British Academy:

“I have benefited from IES expertise over many years, in a range of senior HR roles and organisations. IES is a valuable source of insight, research and practical advice, an opportunity to learn and share best practice. I have also worked with IES consultants to tackle several tricky issues and have always appreciated their experience and approach.”

Christine Hewitt-Dyer - People Director, Church of England:

“The IES team has helped me to think through a range of strategic issues across three organisations, most recently a national review of clergy remuneration. I like their rigorous focus on evidence – happy to challenge the latest HR fad or news story if they need to!  Their events are great for networking.” 

 Steve Corkerton - HR Director, Border Force:

'The Institute consistently achieves that rare balance of cutting edge workforce thinking combined with a practical perspective of what is possible in real organisations. The IES HR Network provides an opportunity to hear some outstanding thought leaders, meet fellow practitioners and discuss experiences.' 

Selena Lansley - Head of London Regional Employers' Organisation, London Councils: 

'a reliable, trustworthy and client focused strategic partner, providing London boroughs with expert knowledge, new ideas and external challenge that have supported real improvements across the London local government workforce.'

  Paul McCann, Group HR Director, ISG:

'Membership of the IES HR Network is something I have valued for several years. The CPD and coaching opportunities have provided me with challenge and support. My colleagues have benefitted from development sessions with IES experts. The evidence-based research and training is relevant and practical.'

Dean Morley, Director of Human Resources, Kingston University:

'The IES HR Network has been particularly valuable to me in moving organisations and sectors as their robust research based approach provides sector specific insights as well as bringing this together into cross-industry insights. Their workshops allow individual organisations to draw different options and routes dependent upon their aims & context.'


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