Summary of HR Network Events and Activities, January - April 2021
5 Feb 2021
In-house event news
Principal Research Fellow Dan Lucy delivered a virtual presenation on social inequality for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) as part of their equality, diversity and inclusion themed People Profession Conference. The webinar was conducted under the ONS’ membership benefits on January 27th. If you would be interested in having IES support and deliver similar in-house conferences or events, please speak to your HR Network Manager, Emma Stewart Rigby
IES HR Directors’ Retreat Part 1: Date reminder
IES Principal Associate Wendy Hirsh and IES Director Tony Wilson, accompanied by Philippa Bonay, ONS Director of People and Business Services, will be speaking at the 2021 IES HR Directors' Retreat Part 1: Strategic Resourcing for Change and Uncertainty, on the morning of Thursday 25th February. All members have been sent an invitation, but if you have not received yours, please email Emma Stewart Rigby to reserve your spaces. A programme agenda is available here.
IES HR Directors’ Retreat Part 2: Speaker line-up confirmed
IES Head of HR Research Development Stephen Bevan alongside Wendy Cartwright, former HR Director at Olympic Delivery Authority and Professor Gail Kinman from Birkbeck College, London University will be speaking at this year’s Virtual HR Directors' Retreat – Part 2, on the theme of Future of Work: Making Health & Wellbeing a Strategic Priority, on the morning of Wednesday 3rd March 2021. All members have been sent an invitation, but if you have not received yours, please email Emma Stewart Rigby to reserve your spaces.
IES Annual Conference – save the date!
HR Research Consultant Jenny Holmes alongside Stephen Bevan and Wendy Cartwright, former HR Director at Olympic Delivery Authority will be speaking at the IES virtual Annual Conference on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion on the morning of Wednesday 21st April 2021. Further information and invitations to follow, but please save the date in your diaries and contact Emma Stewart Rigby to express interest or reserve your spaces.