Jonathan Buzzeo
Senior Research Fellow
01273 763 458
Jonathan re-joined IES in November 2017, having previously worked for IES from 2013-2016. During his time in applied social research, his work has primarily focused on: youth transitions; careers advice and guidance; educational and labour market disadvantage; and the links between these areas. He has worked for a range of clients on these topics including government departments and third sector organisations. Jonathan is also interested in social attitudes towards key public policy issues such as welfare and migration – how they are formed, and affect, contest, or lend support to government policy – as well as strategies to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace.
He specialises in qualitative research approaches and their application in public policy research through, for instance, implementation and process evaluations. His qualitative research skills include designing research tools, managing and conducting fieldwork, and undertaking telephone and face-to-face interviews, as well as focus group discussions, with a range of participants.
He is familiar with overseeing the management and analysis of qualitative data, utilising framework and code-based approaches as well as specialist software packages such as Atlas.ti. Jonathan is also skilled in designing and administrating online questionnaires via different platforms, and in analysing survey data. He is experienced in project management having led teams within the Institute, and has worked in collaboration with project partners and clients, from research design stage to the delivery of the final research outputs.
Prior to re-joining IES, Jonathan was employed at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) where he worked as a Senior Social Researcher. In this role, he oversaw the process evaluation of several teaching and learning interventions, which were being trialled in primary and secondary educational settings on behalf of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
2012 | Newcastle University | MA, Politics (Research) |
2011 | Northumbria University | BA, Politics |
2017- | Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies |
2016-17 | Senior Social Researcher, National Institute for Economic and Social Research |
2015-16 | Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies |
2013-15 | Research Officer, Institute for Employment Studies |
Research publications
- Youth Offer Process Evaluation, Buzzeo J, Campbell B (IES), Crossfield J, Davies H, Snook C (Ipsos), , Department for Work and Pensions, Oct 2024
- Supporting Restart participants into self-employment, Buzzeo J, Dave A, , Institute for Employment Studies , Mar 2024
- Closing the Vocabulary Gap, Buzzeo J, Muir D, Patel R, , Institute for Employment Studies , Sep 2023
- Work Coach Provision of Employment Support, Buzzeo J, Campbell B, Newton B, , Department for Work and Pensions, May 2023
- Evaluation of the Careers & Enterprise CEF18 Part B Fund for disadvantaged groups , Buzzeo J, Manzoni C, Akehurst G, Ebanks-Silvera DJ, Patel R, , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2022
- The Central London Works evaluation, Alexander K, Buzzeo J, Fox H, Williams C, Wilson T, Cook J, , Institute for Employment Studies , Jun 2022
- Evaluation of the Construction Skills Fund, Gloster R, Cockett J, Patel R, Mason B, Buzzeo J, Williams J, Takala H, , Institute for Employment Studies , Mar 2022
- CSF Onsite Hubs: learner progress, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Patel R, , Institute for Employment Studies , Mar 2022
- Evaluation of the Construction Skills Fund 2, Alexander K, Gloster R, Edney C, Buzzeo J, Patel R, Cockett J , , Institute for Employment Studies , Mar 2022
- Extended and more flexible traineeships: A process evaluation, Gloster R, Byford M, Buzzeo J, Garner O, Newton B, Crick C, Mackay S, , IES/Ipsos MORI, Mar 2022
- Supporting good mental health amongst London’s FE learners, Newton B, Patel R, Akehurst G, Alexander K, Byford M, Rickard C, Ebanks-Silvera DJ, Buzzeo J, Cook J, White-Smith G , , Institute for Employment Studies , Dec 2021
- Laid low, Wilson T, Buzzeo J, , Institute for Employment Studies , Jan 2021
- The impact of COVID-19 on low-income households, Buzzeo J, Alexander K, White-Smith G, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies , Oct 2020
- Moving out to move on, Papoutsaki D, Buzzeo J, Gray H, Williams M, Cockett J, Akehurst G, Alexander K, Newton B, Pollard E, , Institute for Employment Studies / Social Mobility Commission , Jul 2020
- National Colleges Process Evaluation , Buzzeo J, Patel R, Byford M, Takala H, Gay R , , Department for Education, Feb 2020
- Research to inform workforce planning and career development in legal services, Williams M, Buzzeo J, Cockett J, Capuano S, Takala H , , The Law Society of England and Wales, Dec 2019
- Experiences of homeless young people in precarious employment, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Martin A, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2019
- Improving Working Memory, Wright H, Dorsett R, Anders J, Buzzeo J, Runge J, Sanders M, Education Endowment Foundation , Education Endowment Foundation, May 2019
- Evaluation of the Industry Placements Pilot , Newton B, Williams J, Francis R, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Spiegelhalter K (IES) Esmond B (iCeGS), , Department for Education, Dec 2018
- Careers provision in colleges, Williams J, Buzzeo J, Spiegelhalter K, Dawson A, , Careers & Enterprise Company, Nov 2018
- Evaluation of the 18-21 Work Skills Pilot 1, Newton B, Hillage J, Buzzeo J, , Department for Education, Sep 2018
- Work experience, job shadowing and workplace visits, Buzzeo J, Cifci M, , The Careers & Enterprise Company, Oct 2017
- Using behavioural insights to examine benefit claimants' approaches to training opportunities, Gloster R, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Fletcher L, Tassinari A, Cox A, Vlaev I, Research Report 723, Department for Education, Jul 2017
- Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation: Claimant research, , Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Aug 2016
- Understanding mature entrants’ transitions to postgraduate taught study, Pollard E, Gloster R, Hillage J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Griggs J, Drever E, Kotecha M, Rahim N, , , Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), May 2016
- Mapping investment in adult skills, Gloster R, Marvell R, Buzzeo J, Hadjivassiliou K, Williams J, Huxley C, Research Paper , Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, May 2016
- Understanding the Behavioural Drivers of Organisational Decision-Making, Wilson S, Sonderegger S, Buzzeo J, , Cabinet Office, Mar 2016
- Tackling unemployment among disadvantaged young people, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Everett C, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2016
- A country study on immigrants from the new Member States to the United Kingdom , Marangozov R, Nafilyan V, Tassinari A, Buzzeo J, , European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Jan 2016
- Process evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers, Newton B, Miller L, Williams J, Buzzeo J, Hinks R, Research Paper 256, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Nov 2015
- Understanding employers' graduate recruitment and selection practices, Pollard E, Hirsh W, Williams M, Buzzeo J, Rosa Marvell, Tassinari A, Bertram C, Fletcher L, Artess J, Redman J, Ball C, Research Paper 231, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Nov 2015
- The contribution of Further Education and skills to social mobility, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Tassinari A, Williams J, Williams M, Swift S, Newton B, Research Paper 254, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Oct 2015
- Evaluating the evidence on employee engagement and its potential benefits to NHS staff: a narrative synthesis of the literature, Bailey C, Madden A, Alfes K, Fletcher L, Robinson D, Holmes J, Buzzeo J, Currie G, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Jun 2015
- Infographic: Interim findings on the Apprenticeships Trailblazers, Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2015
- Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Interim report, Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J, Research Paper 213, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Mar 2015
- Guide to Engagement for Line Managers, Robinson D, Fletcher L, Truss C, Alfes K, Holmes J, Madden A, Buzzeo J, Currie G, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Oct 2014
- Measuring Employee Engagement and Interpreting Survey Results, Fletcher L, Robinson D, Truss C, Alfes A, Holmes J, Madden A, Buzzeo J, Currie G, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Oct 2014
- Guide to Engagement for HR, Robinson D, Buzzeo J, Fletcher L, Truss C, Holmes J, Madden A, Currie G, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Oct 2014
- Guide to Engagement for Senior Leaders, Robinson D, Fletcher L, Truss C, Alfes K, Holmes J, Madden A, Buzzeo J, Currie G, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Oct 2014
- NIHR Staff Engagement in the NHS, Holmes J, Fletcher L, Buzzeo J, Robinson D, Truss C, Madden A, Alfes K, , National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Oct 2014
- The 2014 RCVS Survey of the Veterinary Professions: Synthesis Report, Robinson D, Williams M, Buzzeo J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2014
- The 2014 RCVS Survey of the Veterinary Profession, Buzzeo J, Robinson D, Williams M, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2014
- How should we measure higher education? A fundamental review of the Performance Indicators - Part Two: The evidence report, Pollard E, Williams M, Williams J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Drever E, Griggs J, Coutinho S, , Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Nov 2013
- How should we measure higher education? A fundamental review of the Performance Indicators - Part One: The synthesis report, Pollard E, Williams M, Williams J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Drever E, Griggs J, Coutinho S, , Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Nov 2013
- Adult Career Decision-Making, Gloster R, Pollard E, Bertram C, Williams J, Hirsh W, Buzzeo J, Henderson L, Research Paper 132, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Aug 2013
Articles and chapters
Conference appearances
- Overview of Young, Employed and Homeless report , Buzzeo J, Conservative Party Conference, Centrepoint Fringe Event, Manchester, September 2019
- Overview of Young, Employed and Homeless report , Buzzeo J, Labour Party Conference, Centrepoint Fringe Event, Brighton, September 2019
- YFF Self Employment Trial
- Pilot and Feasibility Study for ‘Step Up’
- Evaluation of Traineeship Flexibilities
- Moving out to move up: Using a mixed-methods approach to understand the link between migration and disadvantage
- Experiences of homeless young people in precarious employment
- Experiences of homeless young people in precarious employment
- Research into tackling unemployment among disadvantaged young people