Mini Conference: Really big headlines
An HR Network event
24th April 2014
What's new for HR? And what's the latest on the enduring themes? This event will explain and examine the latest buzzwords in HR, and will also update you on recent developments on those HR activities that never go away. We will draw on our own work at IES and that of others, and the event will include case-study and thought-leader speakers.
Mini-Conference 2014 write-up
Luke Fletcher: IES
Future directions for employment policy and the labour market in the UK
Nigel Meager: IES
HR Transformation: where it is and where it is going?
Peter Reilly: IES
Organistional development: future focus
Valerie Garrow: IES
Engagement: the next decade
Dilys Robinson: IES
Is work getting harder?
Penny Tamkin: IES
Reward:coming out of recession
Duncan Brown: IES
OD: past, present and future
Valerie Garrow: IES