Line managers and their role in employee wellbeing
Past HR Network Event
20 June 2019
Event resources
The importance of line managers for employee wellbeing
Zofia Bajorek, Research Fellow, IES
Understanding the conditions for successful mental health training for managers
Megan Edwards, Senior Research Fellow, IES
This workshop covered:
- The role and importance of 'good management'
- Health and wellbeing
- Recent IES research into line management mental health training
Zofia Bajorek, Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies
Megan Edwards, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies
Event details
This event looked at two popular and topical organisational themes – the role of line managers and employee health and wellbeing. We explored how the role of line managers has changed and how important it is for employers, employees and organisations to ensure that their line managers understand how their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their direct reports can have an impact on organisational outcomes. The session included both IES input and group discussions.