Masterclass workshops: Building resilience

In these challenging times, resilience is a key skill and attribute for people, and many organisations are now focusing on how to build this capability in their staff. The tools of resilience draw heavily on the Positive Psychology literature and is well grounded in an evidence base.

IES has put together a programme that covers the key issues that are currently recognised in building resilience and present it as both as a day long workshop in which people work through their own situation and also as a 90-minute Knowledge Knibble in which people are introduced to the key concepts.



  • what is resilience?
  • current situation: what is worrying/concerning?
  • overview of tools


  • strengths
  • support structures/social networks
  • personal values: what is important to me?

States of mind

  • positive focus: broaden and build
    • positive feedback
    • optimism (ABCDE)
  • problem solving: alternative pathways

Taking action: circle of influence

  • gaining perspective: stepping back
  • relaxation/distraction techniques

Taking action

  • develop personal plan

Who should attend this course?

Resilience is valuable for all managers and staff. This workshop is a practical one day session to help individuals build their own resilience, and learn how to help others.


Half a day

CPD course pricing

Unless otherwise stated, in-house course fees are as follows:

CPD in-house training per day (excl. VAT)
non-members of the IES HR Network £1,640
members of the IES HR Network £1,450

Contact us

For more information or to book a Masterclass workshop, please get in touch to discuss your requirements with us.

Email: Emma Stewart-Rigby

Call: 01273 763433