Building your HR analytics capability
Past HR Network Event
22 October 2015
Improved HR information systems means that more and more people data are being collected but we are not yet fully exploiting the possibilities to describe and understand workforce patterns, yet alone predict their change. Whilst HR is beginning to address its long standing weakness in data analysis, more still has to be done. So how do you build your HR analytics capability and how best should you deploy it to give organisational insight?
This IES event used case study approaches to explore these issues in a highly participative format.
HR Analytics: What can we learn from the published literature?
Dilys Robinson
Learning from organisational case studies
Peter Reilly
London Councils organisational case study
Tessa Mapley
LV=General Insurance organisational case study
Paul Smith
HR analytics: HR Network Members survey
David Brannon
Making analytics count
Peter Reilly