Ethics in HR
Past HR Network Event
15 December 2015
It is a challenge to balance continuing public pressure and consumer demand for sustainable and ethical business and people management practices with creating and supporting the agile business strategies the fast paced operating environment requires. But with managing the organisation’s reputation uppermost in management minds, there are opportunities for HR to really make a difference.
Particular questions that one might ask include: Does our culture promote ethical conduct? Is there a pattern of problematic behaviour unfolding in specific areas and what are we doing about it? Are we living up to our stated values? How does our company compare with others? What role can HR play in engaging employees and promoting accountability?
This participative workshop covered:
■ Identifying and challenging ethical blind spots in your organisation’s culture
■ Practical implications of ‘living the values’ for appraisals, bonuses, non-monetary benefits, speak-up mechanisms and development
■ Ethical dilemmas facing HR specialists - what would you do?
Ethical dilemmas in HR practice - HR Network Paper 111
Alison Carter
Ethics in HR
Alison Carter